Madison Forest

Madison Forest

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Published On: May 21, 20241 min read
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Property Type: Timberland
Price: $31,250,000
Location: Florida
Acreage: 22,409 Acres

Madison Forest is a distinctive, unencumbered timberland investment and conservation property consisting of southern pine plantations, natural bottomland forests, and unique wetland habitats associated with the San Pedro Bay. Totaling 22,409 acres, the property consists of two large contiguous tracts with four smaller satellite tracts, all within a ten-mile radius.

Approximately 42% of the total property acreage is managed as pine plantations with an average age of 18.0 years and site index of 67.5 feet (base age 25). The property offers a desirable age-class distribution with significant acreage moving into the merchantable size classes. Madison is also a recognized high-priority conservation property and at the center of one of the largest privately-owned roadless areas in the State of Florida. These areas provide a unique mix of habitats for some of Florida’s most iconic wildlife species including Florida black bear.

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