Farmland Values Stabilize in the Midwest

Farmland Values Stabilize in the Midwest


Published On: September 17, 20150.9 min read
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Farmland values in the Seventh Federal Reserve District were unchanged from a year before and actually rose 1 percent in the first quarter of 2015.

The following conclusions are based on the responses of 234 agricultural bankers in the Seventh District.
According to the economic analysis of the Chicago Fed, “There was no year-over-year change in farmland values for the District as a whole in the first quarter of 2015 – in contrast to the slight decrease at the end of 2014.”
Almost half of the survey respondents predicted farmland values to decrease in the second quarter of 2015, while less than 1 percent expected farmland values to increase and 51 percent expected them to be stable.
Only 8 percent of the survey respondents reported higher demand to purchase farmland, while 46 percent reported lower demand. The supply of farmland for sale was also lower.
For a complete copy of the Seventh Federal Reserve District’s AgLetter, go to

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