Farmers Stoke Corn Belt Land Prices
Farmers Stoke Corn Belt Land Prices
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Farmland values across the Corn Belt jumped anywhere from 20 to 34 percent in 2022, and traditional farmer-operators were the successful buyers 75 percent of the time, according to a recent report by Farmers National Company. “What we are seeing is a true supply-demand scenario. There are simply more buyers willing to bid on the limited amount of land coming to the market,” said Paul Schadegg, senior vice president of real estate operations for Farmers National Company. Schadegg cited strong prices for corn and soybeans as leading drivers stoking demand. “The commodity markets are, without a doubt, the main driver in the land market in general,” he added. Founded in 1929, Farmers National Company posted record sales of $766 million in 2022. For a breakdown of land values by state, read more HERE.