South Dakota Ranch Nets Record-High Price
South Dakota Ranch Nets Record-High Price
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A 50,000-acre ranch in Western South Dakota recently sold for $37 million — the highest price of any ranch sold in the state. Robb Nelson of Hall and Hall listed the property, known as Bismarck Ranch, for owner Neal Wanless, who purchased it in 2009 with a portion of his $232 million Powerball winnings. Kansas-based J-Six South Dakota Land Holdings, headed by Daniel E. Gerety II, acquired the property. The ranch includes 42,000 deeded acres, 4,000 grazing acres leased from the Bureau of Land Management, and another 1,600 acres leased from the state. The $37 million sales price more than doubles Wanless’s purchase price for the property. It also bests the previous high sales price for a South Dakota ranch by $4.6 million. Previously, that record had been held by the $32.4-million Triple U Ranch, famously featured in the Academy Award-winning film Dances with Wolves. Read more HERE.